Installing Full-Text and Semantic Search in SQL Server


The Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search option may be required to be installed/added to your SQL Server instance. JAMS V7.5 or higher does not require Full-Text and Semantic Search. If the Full-Text and Semantic Search is not enabled, the JAMS installer will display a message and will be unable to continue the installation. For more information on this option, see Semantic Search.

For JAMS V7.3 or V7.4, this option is automatically added during installation if you choose to install SQL Server Express from the JAMS installer. Previous versions of JAMS did not install the SQL Server Full-Text Search feature.

Please note that this option is available in SQL Server Express Advanced, so you may need to upgrade SQL Server Express if your site is not running the Advanced version. See the SQL Server download site and download the appropriate installer for your version.

Before You Begin

This update will require access to the SQL Server installation media. Contact your Database Administrator for additional assistance.

To install the Full-Text and Semantic Search option:

  1. Open SQL Server Installation Center.
  2. Click Installation.
  3. Click New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation.
  4. Click Next until you see the Installation Type dialog.
  5. Click Add features to an existing instance of SQL Server.
  6. Under Database Engine Services, click Full-Text and Semantic Extractions for Search.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Follow the remaining prompts.
  9. Run the JAMS installer.
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