If the Agents in your environment are running a newer version of JAMS than the JAMS Scheduler, you may encounter issues when running Sequences. (For example, issues may occur if the Agents are running JAMS V7.1.557 or higher and the Scheduler is running JAMS V7.0.xxx.) If this occurs, the Sequences will complete, but the Submit Job Tasks will not be executed. You will also see the error message below on the Log File tab in the Sequence.
"Error: 0 : Unable to resolve class: MVPSI.JAMSSequence.Host.SubmitJobTask,JAMSSequenceHost"
To resolve this issue, run the JAMS installer and update the JAMS Scheduler to V7.1.557 or higher. Ensure you review the upgrade information in the Upgrading JAMS V7 article before you upgrade the JAMS Scheduler.