Using IBM iSeries for JAMS


iSeries is IBM's line of servers used by small-to-medium sized businesses and IT departments within larger companies. iSeries evolved from IBM's first mid-range computer series, the AS/400, and is currently offered as part of IBM's Power Systems suite. Users refer to iSeries by various names, depending on the release year, including "AS/400," "System i," and "eServer iSeries."

JAMS customers may opt to use iSeries servers to achieve many benefits. The iSeries architecture allows seamless integration with middleware, databases, virtual machines, security systems, and other hardware.1 iSeries servers use IBMS's Power5 microprocessors which support running multiple operating systems at once (i.e. AIX, Windows, Linux, OS/400, i5/OS), on multiple partitions. IBM also uses the file type (SAVF) which handles Save and Restore functions very well for objects, libraries, and IFS directories and files.

The JAMS Agent for iSeries (System i) is installed along with the JAMS Scheduler, and you will need to push it out to the Agent machines. Deployment is controlled from the Agents view in the JAMS Client, and you may automatically deploy the Agent from the JAMS Client. Before attempting to deploy, provide each JAMS user the appropriate iSeries (System i) access along with the privileges required to deploy the Agent.

To manually install the JAMS iSeries Agent on the iSeries Server, locate the iSeries Agent on the JAMS Schedule Server located at C:\Program Files\MVPSI\JAMS\Scheduler\Agents\IBMSeriesi. Select AS/400 for the Platform and Outgoing for the Agent Type.


See Also

Deploying the JAMS Agent for System i (iSeries) (JAMS Help)

iSeries Job Parameters

More JAMS IBM iSeries Articles



Gartner: IBM eServer iSeries

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