How JAMS determines the starting date for "interval" schedules.


When a job is scheduled with an interval such as “Every other Monday”, the start date must be determined. JAMS evaluates this by looking at the “Last Autosubmit Date” property and the “Scheduled Start Date” of a Schedule Trigger. If the “Last Autosubmit Date” is greater than (after) the “Scheduled Start Date”, JAMS uses the “Last Autosubmit Date”. Otherwise, JAMS uses the “Scheduled Start Date”.

If neither date has a value JAMS uses today as the starting date.

JAMS picks the “Last Autosubmit Date” over the “Scheduled Start Date” so it is possible to have jobs that are constantly shifting. For example, JAMS could have a job scheduled for “First Monday of Month, Every other Monday”.

That job would run:

  • April 2, 2018
  • April 16, 2018
  • April 30, 2018
  • May 7, 2018 (Only a 1 week gap because of the "First Monday of Month")
  • May 21, 2018 (From "Every other Monday" but, it shifted because of the previous short gap)
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