Deploying the JAMS V7.X Database in Azure SQL


In JAMS V7.0.1287 and higher, the JAMS Database may be deployed in Azure SQL Database as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) database, also known as Database as a Service (DBaas).

Installing JAMS entirely on a single Azure Server is a nearly identical process to the on-premises JAMS installation.

Hosting the JAMS Database in an Azure SQL Database only requires that users reference an existing Azure SQL Server with a firewall rule allowing access from the JAMS Scheduler server. The installer will automatically create a database with the name you provide (the database should not be pre-created before running the installer). The Service and Compute tier can subsequently be amended in the Azure Portal if required.

NOTE: Azure SQL Managed Instance is not supported.

In this topic


Configuring the Azure SQL Server

Before starting the JAMS Installation, configure or select an Azure Server for the Database.

  1. Configure or select a server for the database. Record the Server name, and the SQL or Azure AD User or Group credentials that will be used to authenticate against the Azure Server. 
    NOTE: The full server name URL will be referenced as "ServerName"
    NOTE: When creating the Server, do NOT attempt to use a Database Source.
  2. Navigate to the Firewall settings and ensure the JAMS Scheduler Server has access to the Azure SQL Server.
    NOTE: Create Rules to allow communication between the JAMS Scheduler Server and the Azure Server.



Installing JAMS with a Database on Azure SQL Database is very similar to a normal JAMS installation, except that the Azure SQL Database will be specified on the Installer's SQL Step.

  1. Ensure the Azure Server has already been configured and that the Machine where JAMS should be installed has access to the Azure Server.
  2. Access the machine where the JAMS Scheduler should be installed.
    NOTE: If JAMS was already installed on this machine, delete the Common.config file, located at C:\Program Files\MVPSI\JAMS\Scheduler\Common.config by default.
  3. Download the JAMS Installer.
    NOTE: JAMS V7.0.1287 or higher is required.
  4. Run the JAMS Installer as an Administrator. The JAMS Installation Wizard will appear. Use the wizard to walk through the installation.
    • This installation requires only the JAMS Client and JAMS Scheduler components.
    • If prompted, install MSMQ. Prompts to install SQL Express can be ignored, as Azure SQL Server will be used.
  5. On the SQL step, enter the full Azure Server url.
  6. Enter the Database Name.
  7. Select and configure the desired Authentication option to connect to the Azure database. The JAMS Installer will attempt to establish a connection to the Azure SQL instance. If a connection cannot be made, the installer will not continue.
    NOTE: JAMS supports 3 methods of Authentication with Azure SQL Database: 
    • SQL Server Authentication is similar to on premise SQL Authentication. The SQL Username and Password must already exist on the Azure SQL Server.
      NOTE: This authentication method stores the SQL Username and Password in the Common.config file. When using SQL Server Authentication, Common.config should be protected.
    • Azure Active Directory Integrated Authentication requires Microsoft Active Directory Authentication Library for Microsoft SQL Server. This method requires the entry of an Azure AD user or group the JAMS Scheduler and Server services will run under.
      NOTE: JAMS will configure the Database to enable access for the defined Azure AD user or group, but will not configure the services. Users must configure the services to run under the same Azure AD Account defined for the AD Integrated Authentication.
    • Azure Active Directory Password Authentication requires Microsoft Active Directory Authentication Library for Microsoft SQL Server. With this method, the username and password are defined in Azure AD.
      NOTE: This authentication method stores the Azure AD Username and Password in the Common.config file. When using Azure AD Password Authentication, Common.config should be protected.
  8. Finish the JAMS Installation normally.


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