Migrating from Automate Schedule to JAMS


Creating the Automate Schedule Job Report

Run the Job Setup Report from Automate Schedule to use it as a checklist when adding Jobs into JAMS. 

  1. In Automate Schedule, to go Reports | Job Setup Report.
  2. On the Report screen, leave everything as is and click Generate Report.
  3. Wait for the report to finish.
  4. Right-click the report and select Download File.

Migrating to JAMS

Installing JAMS

  1. Review the Prerequisites before installing JAMS.
  2. Follow the instructions in the JAMS Installation Guide to install JAMS. 

Understanding Jobs in JAMS

A Job is a task, script (known as a command procedure), command, Sequence, or Workflow. A JAMS Job includes soft properties and Schedule Items that modify how and when a Job should run, as well as actions that should be taken when the Job finishes. Some of the most common soft properties and Schedule Items are listed below.

A Job requires the following, at minimum, to run: 

  • Execution Method - An Execution Method defines how a Job executes within the JAMS environment. JAMS includes dozens of Executions Methods to run Jobs on Windows, Unix, Linux, or any operating system supporting connections using SSH. The Execution Methods are set up so they can be used with Job Definitions without any additional configuration. An Execution Method is associated with each Job Definition. For more information, see Execution Methods.
  • Execute As User – The Execute As user has Credentials with the necessary permission to execute a Job or a Job on the selected JAMS Agent.
  • Agent - There are many different Agents available for JAMS, and each one is designed and configured for a specific platform and purpose.
  • Source - The Source interface of a Job in JAMS can be a source code editor containing any number of code languages, a fill-in-the-blank style form, a Sequence editor, or a Workflow editor. The source for many Execution Methods will be a source code editor, which supports syntax highlighting and code coloring to enhance the readability of scripts.
  • Schedule Item – A Schedule Item determines how and when a Job will be submitted. This can be an event or time-based Trigger.
  • Connection Store (Optional) – A Connection Store can be used to hold connection details for FTP, SFTP, SCP, AmazonS3, EWS, IMAP, POP3, SQL, and SAP. The Connection Store can be used on any Job in JAMS.

Creating Jobs in JAMS

To learn how to create a Job in JAMS, see the Working with Jobs article in JAMS Help. Access the complete JAMS Help for more comprehensive information on JAMS. 

Comparing Automate Schedule Job Types to JAMS Execution Methods

The table below lists the Automate Schedule Job Types and the equivalent Execution Methods in JAMS. As part of the migration, create new Jobs in JAMS with the appropriate Execution Methods. 

Automate Schedule Job Type JAMS Execution Method
Automate Task Sequence - Automate Task
Automate Enterprise Automate - Compatible with Automate (Plus/Ultimate)
Command Command - Windows Command Procedure
File Transfer File Transfer - FTP, SFTP, FTP/SSL
Informatica Cloud Task Informatica Cloud
Informatica Workflow Not Supported
Oracle Concurrent Request OracleEBSCurrent - Oracle E-Business Suite Concurrent Job
OracleEBSRequest - Oracle E-Business Suite Request Set Job
OracleEBSJobSsh - Oracle E-Business Suite Job via SSH
SAP NetWeaver Event Sequence - SAP Raise Event Task
SAP NetWeaver Job SAPJobV2 - SAP Multi-Step Job
SAP NetWeaver Process Chain SAPProcessChain - SAP Process Chain
SAP NetWeaver Variant SAPJobV2
SQL Server Job SQLAgent - SQL Server Agent Job
SQLCommand - SQL Commands
SQLStoredProc - SQL Stored Procedure
Universal Connector Automate - Will also need Fortra's Automate Plus/Ultimate
Web Service Request Automate - Will also need Fortra's Automate Plus/Ultimate
Windows Desktop Application Command and PowerShell - This requires the JAMS Agent Interactive for Windows.

Important Glossary Terms

The table below compares important terms in Automate Scheduler and JAMS. 

Automate Schedule Term

JAMS Term 

Agent: The service or daemon that runs on your agent systems and connects to Automate Schedule on your enterprise server. Agent: The service or daemon that runs on your agent server and connects to JAMS on your JAMS server.
Agent Environment: A defined set of job attributes that can be shared across multiple jobs. Agent environments contain attributes to run your jobs, including which user to run the job as, password, working directories, and environment variables. Execution Method Job Properties: An Execution Method defines how a Job executes within the JAMS environment. JAMS includes dozens of Executions Methods to run Jobs on Windows, Unix, Linux, or any operating system supporting connections using SSH. The Execution Methods are set up so they can be used with Job Definitions without any additional configuration. An Execution Method is associated with each Job Definition. The Job Properties tab lets you add Properties and default values that will be used by all Job Definitions that use the selected Execution Method. For example, you could add the Agent property to an Execution Method so the Job Definitions will use that Agent. To add a property, click + and select a Property from the list.
Agent Event Monitor: Agent event monitor is an alert to let you know when something has happened on one of your agents. You can monitor for events such as changes to a file or directory, when a process starts or ends, or your own user-defined events.  
Agent System: The agent system is the Windows, UNIX, and Linux servers in your enterprise that run the Automate Schedule agent. Agent Server: The Windows, UNIX, and Linux servers in your enterprise that run the JAMS agent.
Agent Time: The agent time is the time on the system running the agent software. Agent Time: The Agent Time is the time on the server running the JAMS Agent software.
Automate Schedule Variable: Automate Schedule variables can be used to store values that will be inserted into runtime environment variables for jobs. Variables: A Variable contains a single slice of data that can be globally defined for all JAMS Jobs. Variables are a powerful tool that can make batch processing easier and more effective. You can use them to easily change references in multiple places, such as server names or file path names.
Calendar: Calendars define weekly work days and non-working days, define specific non-working dates such as holidays, and allow users to specify a fiscal calendar. Calendar: Calendars define weekly work days and non-working days, define specific non-working dates such as holidays, and allow users to specify a fiscal calendar.
Command Set: A command set is a group of commands that can be used by many different jobs. Execution Method: An Execution Method defines how a Job executes within the JAMS environment. JAMS includes dozens of Executions Methods to run Jobs on Windows, Unix, Linux, or any operating system supporting connections using SSH. The Execution Methods are set up so they can be used with Job Definitions without any additional configuration. An Execution Method is associated with each Job Definition.
Date List: Date Lists allow you to select the exact dates to run a job. Natural Language Specifications: Natural Language specifications and calendar references can be used to define the days when a Job will run. See How to Schedule Jobs for more information.  
DTS: DTS is the former name of SSIS (pre SQL Server 2005). DTS is still use in technical periodicals and by database professionals. SSIS/SSIS Direct: Execution Methods in JAMS to create and execute SSIS Jobs.
Enterprise Server: The server where Automate Schedule is installed. JAMS Server: The Server where the JAMS Scheduler is installed.
ETL: Extract, Transform & Load: A database/data warehousing term that refers to the general process of extracting data from a variety of data sources, transforming that data to fit some storage model or business rules and loading that data into SQL Server. These types of operations are supported for SQL Server via SSIS/DTS technologies. ETL: Extract, Transform & Load: A database/data warehousing term that refers to the general process of extracting data from a variety of data sources, transforming that data to fit some storage model or business rules and loading that data into SQL Server. These types of operations are supported for SQL Server via SSIS/DTS technologies.
File Transfer System: File transfer systems let you define remote systems in one spot, then quickly point to the remote system when creating FTP jobs. File Transfer Connections: The JAMS Connection Store lets you configure connection information for transferring files. This connection information is saved in one place and can be referenced in one or more Jobs. You can create Connections to FTP/FTPS/SFTP/SCP servers or an Amazon S3 Bucket.
Job Monitor: A job monitor lets you know if a job runs long, ends early, or started late. Monitor: The Monitor displays a continually updated list of current Jobs known to the JAMS Scheduler. The Monitor also includes comprehensive Job management capabilities.
Job Step: A single, sequentially-constrained unit of execution in a specific SQL server job. Job Step/Child Jobs: Within JAMS Sequences and Workflows, Jobs can be executed sequentially or in parallel.
Notification List: A notification list lets you create groups of users or email addresses to send notifications to. Notification Property: This property is a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses that the notification e-mail will be sent to.
Object: An object (previously known as scheduling object) in Automate Schedule is shared by multiple jobs on any connected agent systems. Their purpose is to make job scheduling easier. Types of objects include agent environments, agent event monitors, calendars, command sets, date lists, file transfer systems, notification lists, return codes, remote servers, Automate Schedule variables, SNMP trap monitors, SQL server definitions, and web server definitions. Execution Method Job/Folder Properties: Properties that can be set at the Execution Method or Folder levels that inherit to all Jobs using the Execution method or Jobs within a Folder.
Outlaying Job: An outlying job is any job occurring outside of the expected forecast. They are displayed by default in the Schedule Activity Monitor (SAM). Outlying jobs include held jobs, missed jobs, jobs in a retry wait status, jobs with monitor events, and jobs that are running, starting, or ending at an abnormal time. From SAM, users may run, hold, or edit outlying jobs, or choose "check off" to remove the job from the Gantt chart. Monitor: Held jobs, missed jobs, jobs in a retry wait status, jobs with monitor events, and jobs that are running, starting, or ending at an abnormal time can be viewed in the JAMS Monitor. From the Monitor, users may run, hold, or edit jobs.
Return Code: When commands are executed on remote systems, each command ends with a numeric return code. This code determines if a job completed successfully or not. Exit Codes: The code returned from a process indicating Success or Failure.
Server Initiated Time: The time that Automate Schedule assigned the job to run. Scheduled Time: The time the JAMS Job is Scheduled.
Server Submitted Time: The time that Automate Schedule submits the job to a job queue. In most cases, the Server Initiated Time and Server Submitted Time will be close to the same time. Start Time: The time the JAMS Job actually starts. This time can be different based on dependencies being met for example.
Server Time: The time on the enterprise server where the Automate Schedule software is installed. Server Time: The time on the server where the JAMS Scheduler software is installed.
SNMP Trap Monitor: Automate Schedule can monitor for SNMP traps coming from other applications. SNMP: No longer supported.


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