Improving SFTP Speeds in PowerShell


Improving SFTP Transfer Speeds using PowerShell

Users may increase SFTP transfer speeds with three JAMS cmdlet Parameters added in JAMS 6.4.51. The increases in speed and reliability are most notable for file transfers larger than 1GB. 

The following cmdlet Properties must be added to the given Job's PowerShell Source to see increased speeds:

-BufferSize 60
-QueueLength 8

The Job Source may be similar to the sample below:

Connect-JSFTP server -cred $YourFTPUserName -Name $YourFileServerName 
-UseCompression:$true -BufferSize 60 -QueueLength 8
Receive-JFSItem -Name C:\Common\MyFile.txt -Destination C:\Logs\MyFile.txt


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    Al Respess

    Assume this is also true for sending files?

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    Gennaro Piccolo

    Hello Al, yes that is correct.