Import-Module JAMS -EA Continue # Get an instance of the JAMS Server $jamsServer = [MVPSI.JAMS.Server]::GetServer("localhost") $result = "`r`n`t`t`tJAMS Object Access Security Report" $result += "`r`n`t`t`t----------------------------------" # # Iterate through the AccessObject Types enumeration # foreach($accessType in [Enum]::GetValues([MVPSI.JAMS.AccessObject])) { if($accessType -ne [MVPSI.JAMS.AccessObject]::None) { # # Output AccessObject header # $result += "`r`n`r`n$($accessType.ToString())`r`n" $accessType.ToString().ToCharArray() | %{$result += "-"} # # Load the Security for the specified AccessObject # $sec = New-Object MVPSI.JAMS.Security [MVPSI.JAMS.Security]::Load([ref]$sec, $accessType, $jamsServer) # # Iterate each ACE in the ACL # foreach ($ace in $sec.Acl.GenericACL) { # # Append the ACE's access to a string # $accessNames = "" foreach($objectAccess in [Enum]::GetValues([MVPSI.JAMS.ObjectAccess])) { if (($ace.AccessBits -band $objectAccess) -ne 0) { $accessNames = $accessNames + "$($objectAccess) " } } # # Output the ACE's identifier and access # $result += "`r`nIdentifier: $($ace.Identifier)" $result += "`r`n`tAccess: $($accessNames.Trim() -split " " -join ", ")`r`n" } } } #Change path to desired report location $result | Out-File C:\Temp\ACLAudit.txt