Using JAMS Parameters to Automatically update how JDE Jobs Run


When working with JD Edwards Jobs, JAMS users can push parameters to the JDE Job that will overwrite Data Selection Parameters, JD Edwards processing options, and JD Edwards configuration and Job values.
NOTE: Users attempting to match Data Selection Parameters must use JAMS V6.5.41 or newer.

How it Works:

When JAMS runs a JDE Job, it looks at the defined parameters to see if any of the parameter names match processing options, data selection aliases, or the defined JDE parameters available in JAMS. JAMS then replaces any of the matches with the corresponding Parameter value.  

In this Article:



Processing Option Parameters

When JAMS runs a JD Edwards Job, it looks at the Processing Options to see if the Member ID matches the name of a JAMS Parameter in the Job Definition. If a match is found, JAMS replaces the Value of that Member with the Value of the JAMS Parameter.

If it is unclear what the ID names for the Processing Options are, Submit the JAMS Job using PowerShell and add the -RunDebug switch to the Submit-JAMSEntry cmdlet. That will tell JAMS to leave behind the XML files that are generated by RunUBEXml. From there, look at the <PROCESSING_OPTIONS> and see what the ID of each <MEMBER> is.

It is also possible to get those XML files by running RunUBEXml manually.

Here is a portion of an XML file used by RunUBEXml to launch a Job. It shows the Processing Options and Members. It includes the Members that JAMS can match up with Parameters, E.g. a JAMS Parameter named "mnPeriodNoGeneralLedge" would match with the first Member below.

    <MEMBER ID="mnPeriodNoGeneralLedge" NAME="Period Number" VALUE="0" />
    <MEMBER ID="szFiscalYear9" NAME="Fiscal Year" VALUE="" />
    <MEMBER ID="cActLevelOfDetailEnd" NAME="Account Level Of Detail " VALUE="7" />
    <MEMBER ID="mnFinancialReportingReverseSign" NAME=" Reverse Sign" VALUE="0" />
    <MEMBER ID="cCalculateYTDNetIncome" NAME="Calculate YTD Net Income" VALUE="1" />
    <MEMBER ID="cPrintHeadings" NAME="Print Headings" VALUE="1" />
    <MEMBER ID="cDateTitleType9" NAME="Date Title Type" VALUE="B" />


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Data Selection Parameters

In JAMS V6.5.41 and later, JAMS will look through the XML file created by RUNUBEXML for the Data Selection element, then attempt to match JAMS Parameters to JDE Alias values. When a match is found, JAMS replaces the value in the "Literal Value" section for the corresponding Alias. 

NOTE: If a single JAMS Parameter matches multiple Data Selection Aliases, the Literal Value for each Alias will be set to the value of the matching Parameter.  

If it is unclear what the Alias names for the Data Selection values are, Submit the JAMS Job using PowerShell and add the -RunDebug switch to the Submit-JAMSEntry cmdlet. That will tell JAMS to leave behind the XML files that are generated by RunUBEXml. From there, look at the <DATA_SELECTION> section and see what the ALIAS of each Column Instance is.

It is also possible to get those XML files by running RunUBEXml manually.

The Aliases and their corresponding literal values in the example below are highlighted for reference.

        <COLUMN INSTANCE="0" TABLE="F4211" ALIAS="NXTR" NAME="Status Code - Next"/>
        <OPERATOR TYPE="EQ"/>
            <LITERAL VALUE="530"/>
        <COLUMN INSTANCE="0" TABLE="F4211" ALIAS="MCU" NAME="Business Unit"/>
        <OPERATOR TYPE="EQ"/>
            <LITERAL VALUE=" 305"/>
        <COLUMN INSTANCE="0" TABLE="F4211" ALIAS="PDDJ" NAME="Scheduled Pick"/>
        <OPERATOR TYPE="EQ"/>
            <LITERAL VALUE="U20170321"/>


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JAMS JDE Parameters

Users can also create and set JAMS-Specific JDE Parameters on Jobs and Folders.  

A list of available JDE Parameters is below. Note that Parameter Names are case-sensitive.

The following 6 JDE Parameters override settings in the JDE Config file, located at C:\Program Files\MVPSI\JAMS\Scheduler\JAMSJDEHost.dll.config by default.

Parameter Description
 JDESession  Overrides the config file value for Session.
 JDERole  Overrides the config file value for Role.
 JDEEnvironment  Overrides the config file value for Environment.

Boolean, defined as either TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE.

Overrides the config file for IncludeJDELog.


Boolean, defined as either TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE.

Overrides the config file value for JDEDebugLog.

 JDEReportVersion  Overrides the config file value for the OutputFormat.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <add key="BinPath" value=""/>
        <add key="PrintQueuePath" value=""/>
        <add key="Schema" value=""/>
        <add key="Session" value=""/>
        <add key="Role" value=""/>
        <add key="Environment" value=""/>
        <add key="IncludeJDELog" value="True"/>
        <add key="IncludeJDEDebugLog" value="False"/>
        <add key="FromAddress" value=""/>
        <add key="OutputFormat" value="{0}"/>
        <!-- <add key="OutputFormat" value="{0}_{1}_PDF"/> -->
        <!-- <add key="ExeHost" value=""/> - must match JCEXEHOST value when running on Linux -->
        <add name="jdeSystem" connectionString="Server=(local); Database=JDEDB; Integrated Security=SSPI" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>
<startup><supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.6"/></startup></configuration>


JAMS Also contains five JDE Job options that determine how the JDE Job will behave:

Parameter Description

Boolean, defined as either TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE.

When TRUE, the report output is sent to the printer immediately after processing. FALSE holds the report output in a queue. 


Boolean, defined as either TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE.



Boolean, defined as either TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE.

Defines whether the Printer Definition Language file should be created in the PrintQueue directory.


Boolean, defined as either TRUE or FALSE. The default is FALSE.

Defines whether a CSV file should be created in the PrintQueue directory.

JDEQueue A case-sensitive String used to submit the Job to the specified JDE Queue (not to be confused with a JAMS Queue). There is no default.
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    John Griffith

    Is there an enhancement currently being worked on to allow for the change to the data selection portion of the RUNUBEXML file in a similar fashion as above.

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    Gennaro Piccolo

    John, this is something that we are capable of doing. We are considering it, but do not have any current plans to implement it. We would need to discuss your specific needs further in order to consider implementation. If it is extremely important, I would start off by submitting an enhancement request to support and we can discuss from there.

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    John Griffith

    I would think that this would be fairly valuable to all JDE users. If you want to discuss details, please let me know.

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    Gennaro Piccolo

    John, Please submit a feature request to us and we can go from there.