Parsing Variables in Custom Alerts


Variables can be parsed into Custom Alerts in many different ways. 

The first and most simple method for calling a Variable in an Alert is as follows:

In the image above, the Variable named MyVar is called using the syntax <<MyVar>>. This is valid when Variable MyVar is a unique Variable. This means that no other JAMS Folders contain a Variable with the same name.

In cases where the Variable MyVar exists in more than one JAMS Folder, the fully qualified Variable Name (Folder\Subfolder\VarName) needs to be called.

The syntax for the example above is now <<<<JAMS.Folder.QualifiedName>>\MyVar>>. This allows JAMS to differentiate between instances of MyVar and select the one that resides in the same Folder as the Job kicking off the Alert.

One last example is a scenario where a Job resides within a Setup. If the Setup and Job reside in different JAMS Folders, there may be cases where MyVar is present in both Folders. The value of the Job's Folder's Variable can be called using the syntax in the previous example, or the value of the Setup's Folder's Variable can be called, as seen below:

As seen above, the syntax is now <<<<JAMS.Setup.ParentFolder.QualifiedName>>\MyVar>>.

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