# # This will verify whether the "SampleTrigger" in our Samples Folder is online # This job can be scheduled to run throughout the day to ensure no defined Triggers have # Accidentally been disabled and are running properly. # This works for V6 JAMS only #
Import-Module JAMS $trig = Get-ChildItem JAMS::LOCALHOST\Samples\SampleTrigger # Define the Triggers name and Status $status = $trig.Status $name = $trig.Name # Is the status Enabled or Disabled? if ($status -eq "Enabled") { Write-Host "$name is currently Enabled" } # Status is Disabled - send a notification else { Write-Host "Trigger $name is currently Disabled" $SMTP = "smtpserver" $Subject = "$name has become Disabled" $Body = "Trigger: $name - is currently disabled" $FromAddress = "From@YourDomain.com" $ToAddress = "Notify@YourDomain.com" Send-MailMessage -To $ToAddress -Subject "$Subject" -SMTPServer $SMTP -From $FromAddress -body "$Body" }