Creating a History Chart using a JAMS Dashboard


A History Chart can be created within a JAMS Dashboard similar to how a History report chart can be created.  A parameter will need to be defined for the amount of time to display.

To create the chart:

  • Create or Open a new Dashboard file.
  • Click on Data source tab and create a History Data Source.   
  • In the "Within the Past" field, define a variable that will contain the information used in that field.  It can be named arbitrarily, in this case, WithinTime is used.  
  • The format for this variable is $VariableName. It must contain a $ in the beginning of the string.



  • With the Data Source defined, select the Data Item from the Ribbon Bar. In this case, Chart was used, then the type set to Line Graph
  • Select the Data Source from the drop-down list on the left, then drag over the Information Source to the data items list as shown



  • Click on the Data Source Tab, then click on Parameters and define the parameter created earlier
  • Click OK

  • In the Dashboard view, there is an icon labeled Parameters. Click that and enter a value for the WithinTime parameter.

  • The notation is d.hh:mm. Data from the time period specified will be displayed.
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