Why Does This Happen?
The following error may be encountered while starting the JAMS Client in the event that one of the XML files containing the GUI customization data becomes corrupt:
Exception in JAMSWin Main
Exception:System.Xml.XmlException: Root element is missing.
How do I resolve this issue?
1. Close the JAMS client before starting. This can be resolved by using one of the following paths:
- Versions prior to 7.0.1871 will use the following path:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\MVP Systems, Inc\JAMS\<jamsclientversion>
- Versions after 7.0.1871 will use the following path:
2. The HelpSystems or MVP Systems, Inc folder should be deleted.
3. Restarting the client will then automatically regenerate any customization files.
Recommendation: Keep a backup of all customization XML files, as they can simply be reapplied in the event of an XML file(s) becomes corrupt.
On the money, issue resolved. Thank you.
Thanks You
This has saved us so many times. Works perfect!
This works.
Issue solved... thanks in advance
This solution worked for me. Thanks.