JAMS Jobs can be Deployed or Promoted in the same manner that users can copy Jobs to another Folder.
NOTE: Jobs cannot be copied from JAMS V6.X to JAMS V7.X, nor from JAMS V7.X to JAMS V6.X
First, the additional schedulers must be defined in the GUI interface. In the top left corner of the JAMS GUI, click the red "J" icon then select Servers.
Click on Add, type in the Server name, and then click OK. Additional authentication method and themes can be selected for the additional schedulers.
A theme may also be selected for each server, so that you can easily differentiate between environments at a glance.
Once the Server has been added, a user can now easily switch between schedulers using the pull down menu at the top right of the JAMS client GUI.
When promoting a job, simply select the jobs to promote in the folder view, right click and select Copy To. Select the JAMS Scheduler from the list to copy to, and specify the folder. Then click OK.
The Jobs will now be copied to the other scheduler. Important to note: The user copying the Jobs must have permissions in JAMS to access the other scheduler and folder. Users must have Inquire and Add access on the destination. Inquire is only required on the source.