How is JAMS evaluating the Natural Language Specification in the scheduled date menu?


The easiest way to determine what date JAMS is seeing when users use 'Natural Language Specification' in the scheduled date is to use the JAMS commandlet:  Convertto-Date.

By simply pulling up a Powershell CLI window, importing the JAMS module, and using the commandlet users can easily find out what date is being used:

#Import the JAMS Module 'Convertto-Date' is a part of the JAMS commandlet list.
Import-Module JAMS
#Use Convertto-Date and put the language specification in quotes.
Convertto-Date "Last Monday of Month"
#Help reveals that we can also evaluate the date using additional methods
Help Convertto-Date
#We can evaluate the date based on a custom date as if that date was 'Today'
Convertto-date "Last Monday of Month" -Today 01/01/2013
#We can evaluate the date based on a custom start date in our calendar year.
Convertto-date "Last Monday of Month" -StartDate 01/01/2014
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    Stewart Castaldi

    Convertto-Date "Last Monday of Month"

    Convertto-Date : The JAMS Server could not be resolved
    At line:1 char:1
    + Convertto-Date workdays
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [ConvertTo-Date], ArgumentNullException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NoServer,MVPSI.JAMS.Commands.ConvertToDateCommand

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    Louis Diaz-Delgado

    Hello Stewart,

    You seem to be missing the server parameter.

    i.e. ConvertTo-Date "Last Monday of Month" -Server ServerName

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    Permanently deleted user

    how do a specify a particular day of the month for the scheduled date

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    Gennaro Piccolo

    Hello Dan, you would use "22nd Day of Month"

    If you wish to evaluate this using the Convertto-Date cmdlet, you would use:

    Convertto-Date "22nd Day of Month" -Server MyServerName

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    Stephen Bonar

    Is there a way to specify a time period with this such as "First week of month" or "1st to 7th of month"?