How to Create a Simple Spreadsheet Style Report Using the Reporting Wizard


Within the JAMS Report Designer Tool, there is a quick way to create simple spreadsheet style reports using the Reporting Wizard.  Open the Report Designer and click 'New' in the upper left hand corner of the screen.

Choose the report type from the drop down list and click OK.


A new blank report will then be created.  Click on the small box in the corner of the report layout area, then select 'Design in Report Wizard'.

Click Next to select the Standard Report layout, then select the fields that will be created in the report.  These fields will represent the column headers in the report which can then be placed in whatever order required.


Groups can be nested underneath each other, but for this purpose, this is not needed. Click 'next' through this screen.

Select the report layout type.  For spreadsheet style, use the Tabular layout, and select the other options appropriate to preference type.  It is recommended to use 'Landscape' and select  'Adjusting field width so all fields fit on the page'.

If the columns do not fit, the size of the report can be adjusted later.

Select the report style.

Title the report.

When the wizard is finished the report should look like this.  Other elements such as graphics, headers, additional columns may be added and customized by preference.

To test the look of the report select the 'Print Preview' tab at the top of the Report Designer window, and fill in the appropriate parameter values.  

Columns can then be readjusted to preference and the layout changed or extended as necessary.

If the need to extend the width of the report is required this can be adjusted by changing this option in the paper preference.  

  1. Go back to the Report Designer tab, click on the Report Explorer on the right hand side.  
  2. Right click on the very top of the report layout tree, and select properties.
  3. Scroll down to the Page Settings section, and select Paper Kind, and choose the appropriate paper type from the drop down list, or use custom and then define the paper measurements on your own.

Legal Extra should give enough space to fit this report.


Drag the fields across the newly extended page, and reorganize the layout to preference.

The report is complete.  The report can now be saved by clicking on the 'Save' or 'Save As' button at the top left corner of the report designer window.

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