Supported JAMSAgentD and JAMSAgentX Operating Systems


The following Linux and Unix Operating Systems are supported for use by JAMSAgentD:

  • x64 Red Hat based Operating Systems with GLIBC v2.7
  • x64 Debian Operating Systems with GLIBC 2.15
  • x64 Red Hat 5 with GLIBC 2.3.2 (el5 release)
  • i386 Red Hat with GLIBC 2.7

The following Linux and Unix Operating Systems are supported for use by JAMSAgentX: 

  • Sun Microsystems SPARC based workstations and servers running the Solaris OS 2.6, 2.7 (7), and 2.8 (8) and later
  • HP-UX OS Itanium v11.11 and later
  • AIX v4.3 and later
  • Linux servers (x86 and x86_64) running Linux kernel 2.4.18-3 and later

JAMSAgentX can also be compiled to run on any Linux or UNIX platform with a non-standard kernel. Please request the source by opening a new ticket with JAMS Support.

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    Ahmad Garakani

    it is good, but it is outdated. would you please update this list

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    Gennaro Piccolo

    Hello Ahmad, are you looking for compatibility with a specific operating system? JAMSAgentX was designed for legacy operating systems, and JAMSAgentD supports those operating systems that meet those requirements and higher.