Could not connect to net.tcp://


When the JAMS client is opened for the first time after installing JAMS the following error may be encountered:

Could not connect to net.tcp:// The connection attempt lasted for a time span of 00:00:01.0204234. TCP error code 10061: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it 

This error indicates that JAMS cannot connect to the JAMS Server service on port 773.  It is possible that it is not running, or that JAMS cannot communicate on port 773.

The following will need to be verified (using Telnet, or some other program), that JAMS can communicate on port 773, if this is not the case proceed below.

If the JAMS Server Service is not running, make sure the following are correct:

  • The connection string in the common.config file (C:\program files\mvpsi\JAMS\scheduler) is correct.
  • Verify that the user account running the JAMS Server service has access to the database.
  • That the SQL Services are running on the instance where the JAMS DB is located.
  • That JAMS can reach the SQL instance on port 1433 by default from the JAMS Scheduler.

Since the JAMS Server service is responsible for the connection to the JAMS DB, and also clients, it must be confirmed that these are in working order.

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