Currently, user cannot modify the subject line in an email that a JAMS reporting job sends. However, a simple job can be created to email a file generated locally or remotely using PowerShell.
The Send-MailMessage cmdlet can be used to send a simple email with an attachment.
Create a Setup with the reporting job as the first step, and then the email job in the second step. See the example below as a guide:
$PSEmailServer = "SMTP_Server" $date = Get-Date -DisplayHint Date $Time = Get-Date -Format %t $attachment = "\\ACT2\HelpDesk5\HelpDeskReports\HelpDeskReport*.PDF" Send-MailMessage -To -Subject "HelpDesk Report - $Time M - $Date" -From -body "Please see attached PDF" -Attachments $attachment
This example will add a date and time stamp to the subject line, and will send all files from the attachment directory. The user running the job must have access to the remote path.