JAMS Sample ASP .NET Controls


PLEASE NOTE: This site is now considered legacy, if you wish to use JAMS with a web interface, please see these supports articles.

The following IIS components need to be installed:

  • Default Document
  • Static Content
  • .NET Extensiblity 3.5
  • .NET Extensbility 4.5
  • ASP.NET 3.5
  • ASP.NET 4.5
  • Windows Authentication

Below are several references for installing IIS: 

Please note the required .NET runtime has changed as of V6.2.19

Microsoft .NET runtime 4.0 is required, and will be associated with the JAMSSampleWebsite.

Download and Install .MSI file for the JAMS Sample Website here.

After the installation completes, (there will be no installation completion confirmation), perform the following in the IIS management console:

  • Select .NET v4.0 .Classic Framework for the JAMSSampleWebsite App Pool
  • Right click on the JAMSSampleWebsite, select Manage Application, Advanced Settings
  • Select the appropriate Application Pool that contains the .NET v4.0 Classic runtime. (If this is not available, it is necessary to associate .NET runtimes with IIS. Please see this link.)
  • Click on Authentication, Disable Anonymous Authentication, and Enable Windows Authentication
  • Restart the IIS Server

If you're upgrading a previous JAMS web interface, the older version of the web interface should be removed prior to upgrade.

It is expected initially that the website is installed on the JAMS server, however, you may choose a different server by customizing the web.config file in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\JAMSSampleWebsite by default.

		<add key="JAMSServer" value="localhost" />
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