Restarting, Resubmitting, and Retrying Failed Jobs


When a Job fails in JAMS, it can be manually restarted or resubmitted or automatically retried. For information on Sequence Jobs or Workflow Jobs, see Restarting, Resubmitting, and Retrying Sequence and Workflow Jobs.

The table below provides details on when to use each option. 

Option Definition
Restarting a Job
  • This option is recommended for Jobs that are part of a Sequence or Workflow. You can also use it if an intermittent failure has occurred, and no modifications are necessary for the Job to succeed.
  • Restarting an Entry (Job Instance) is a manual process.
  • The existing Entry is released to run again with the same Entry ID number. 
  • The existing Parameters are preserved. Most users will want to restart their failed Jobs to preserve Parameters.
Resubmitting a Job
  • This option is recommended when modifications are necessary for the Job to succeed, such as updating Parameter values or Properties. This option is useful when a Job failed due to invalid Parameters. 
  • Resubmitting an Entry is a manual process.
  • A new Entry is created with a new Entry ID number.
  • The existing Parameters are not preserved. The default parameter values are displayed to let you modify them.
  • Resubmitting an Entry with a recurrence on it generates a new copy of the Entry with the same recurrence options. The recurrence options apply to both the original Entry and the copy of the Entry.
Retrying a Job
  • This option is recommended if there is an intermittent failure in the Job. For example, if there is an environment issue and you need to retry the Job.
  • Retrying an Entry is an automatic process.
  • The existing Entry is held for the specified interval and then it is released to run again.
  • The existing Entry is released to run again with the same Entry ID number.
  • The existing Parameters are preserved.


Manually Restarting a Failed Job

  1. Click Monitor from the Shortcuts menu.
  2. Right-click the failed Job and select Release.
  3. On the Release Job dialog, ensure Release to run again is selected.
  4. Set other options as needed.
  5. Click Ok. The existing Job instance is restarted and any existing Parameters are saved.

Manually Resubmitting a Failed Job

  1. Click Monitor or History from the Shortcuts menu.
  2. Right-click the failed Job and select Submit.
  3. Enter all applicable information.
  4. Set the Parameters as necessary.
  5. Click Submit Run Request. The new Job instance is created.  

Automatically Retrying a Failed Job

You can configure a Job to automatically retry after a failure by adding Recovery options to the properties of the Job. Like restarting a Job, a Job Recovery re-runs an existing Job instance and preserves any existing Parameters on the Job.

If a failed Job has Recovery options and is inside a Sequence or Workflow, the Job automatically executes its retry options within the Sequence or Workflow. The Job will retry only if the completion severity is Fatal or Error. 


Value Definition
Retry Count
  • The maximum number of retries if the Job fails.
  • For example, a Job with a Retry Count of 3 would attempt to execute 4 times before ultimately failing: the initial submission and three retry attempts.
  • Without a Retry Interval specified, the Job will retry immediately.
Retry Interval
  • The wait time interval between attempts to run the Job. This is configured as dd.HH:MM:SS.
  • The interval is measured between the end time of the previous failure and the scheduled time of the retry attempt.
  • Without a Retry Interval specified, the Job will retry immediately.


Configuring Retry Properties for a Job

  1. Click Definitions from the Shortcuts menu.
  2. Right-click the Job and select Properties.
  3. Click the Properties tab.
  4. In the Schedule section, set the Retry Count and Retry Interval options as desired.
    In the example below, the Job is configured to retry 3 times with an interval of one minute between retries.
  5. Save and Close the Job. The Job will now retry in the event of a failure. 

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    Chithra Jeevanandam

    When a job fails, it stays in the Monitor for 10 minutes and then moved to History. How to restart a failed job when the job is no longer available in the Monitor?